The Vault: Sea

The Vault: 汐/Sea

The Vault: 汐/Sea

23 Nov 2015 | The Vault: 汐/Sea is directed by Casey Lim, and features Serene Chen and Zelda Ng who reprise their roles as the sisters. The actresses perform a combination of Robin Loon’s translated text 《汐》 and Haresh Sharma’s…
Video: The Vault: 汐/Sea

Video: The Vault: 汐/Sea

An 60min video documentation of the performance-presentation "汐/Sea", performed by Serene Chen and Zelda Tatiana Ng, directed by Casey Lim and written by Robin Loon. Original English play "Sea" written by Haresh Sharma in 1997. Presented live on 23 November…
Singapore Theatre in the 1990s

Singapore Theatre in the 1990s

Sea was written and staged in the 1990s, an exciting decade for the local theatre scene. Singapore plays were being written and produced by local professional theatre companies. The government found value in the arts for the future of Singapore…
Robin Loon

Robin Loon

"One, to do absolutely nothing, if I can afford such a lifestyle. Two, to be involved in theatre. Three, to travel. If I can't do any one of them, I think I'll teach. Teaching would give me a chance to…
Haresh Sharma

Haresh Sharma

"When I started writing plays, no one could tell me what was right or wrong. Certain rules I made up." - Haresh Sharma
Sea (1997)

Sea (1997)

Haresh Sharma's Sea was first staged in 1997 as part of a double-bill entitled Moving Home Stories. Following on from Land (also written by Sharma), Sea depicted the whimsical conversation between two sisters, the elder Fong Su Fen and her…