Video: The Vault: 汐/Sea

The Vault: 汐/Sea was presented in the company of an audience on 23 November 2015.

Haresh Sharma’s short play Sea was revisited in this installment of The Vault, by playwright Robin Loon, director Casey Lim, and actresses Serene Chen and Zelda Tatiana Ng. Robin translated the English play into Chinese, titled <<汐>>, based on his memory of the production staged in 1997. Serene and Zelda reprise their roles as the sisters in the play. Casey Lim directs this performance-presentation, which combines the reading of both the English and Chinese scripts and the actresses’ reflections on their journey as practitioners.

Here is video recording of the 60-minute Performance-Presentation:

汐/Sea comprises three main parts:
1. [00:35] The PROLOGUE which introduces the methodology of this Vault and the actresses’ memories of 1997 production.
2. [09:35] “汐/Sea”, an amalgamation of Haresh’s English text and Robin’s Chinese translation, with Serene and Zelda reprising their roles as the sisters.
3. [44:07] The EPILOGUE, in which the actresses present their reflections of the Vault process and how the theatre industry has changed over the past 18 years since they performed in “Sea”.


Vault Event Logo

The Vault: 汐/Sea revisits Haresh Sharma’s Sea and refreshes it with a Chinese translation and memories of the 1997 production. Performed by Serene Chen and Zelda Tatiana Ng, in collaboration with Robin Loon and Casey Lim, on 23 November 2015, 8pm at Centre 42 Black Box.

Access the full suite of materials about 汐/Sea here.