There is no doubt that cultural mobility, or the temporary cross-border movement of artists and cultural professionals, is the backbone of international cultural cooperation. In fact, international travel is considered an integral part of the everyday work life of arts practitioners for professional cooperation and growth in an increasingly interconnected world.
However, we now live in the time of climate change and many stakeholders are calling for reduced travel, especially air travel. We also live in the time of increased tension between people and nations alike, and for many, the future is uncertain and fragile. Given these current situations, should we travel less, or should we, because of exactly these times we live in, travel more?
This ASEF Unplugged session will explore both ends of the spectrum of travel and sustainability: the funders’ and the artists’ point of view; the practical perspectives and the philosophical arguments; the changing natures of a global culture and recognition of the other, and a more holistic approach to sustainability – which oftentimes get reduced to a discussion about Co2 emissions.
This session of ASEF Unplugged was jointly presented by ASEF and Centre 42.
Saturday, 28 Sep 2019, 5PM
@ Centre 42 Black Box
Admission: Give-What-You-Can
(Cash only, at the door)
TAY TONG (Singapore)
Enabler & Cultural Worker
International Expert on Artists’ Mobility
MELLISA LOW (Singapore)
Research Fellow, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)