Teo Xiao Ting is one of the five Citizen Reviewers selected from the 2019 Open Call application. Xiao Ting recently graduated from Yale-NUS College with a major in Arts & Humanities and a minor in Psychology. Her writing practice started with poetry, and has since moved towards a sort of explicit response. She’s still feeling out the contours of a “reviewer”, and thinks that each review is actually an act of love that documents and critically engages with performance. She is feeding herself through freelancing as a subeditor, translator, and (her favourite yet) catsitter. Theatre is a precious space where other ways of being are materialised and imagined, and she looks forward to learning how best she can contribute given her inexperience with the art form and its history in Singapore. “Navigating a Haphazard Dream” “Home is where you fight and sleep” “Sifting through sands and soils” “Brightly, then no longer” “Blipbobbing through the ocean in Tadpole Looking for Mom” “The Spectacular Mundane in Faust/us” “Kotor” “First Storeys”
A DREAM OF A DREAM by Thereabouts Theatre
Reviewed on 29 November 2019
RUMAH DAYAK by Rupa co.lab
Reviewed on 22 November 2019
TANAH•AIR 水•土 by Drama Box
Reviewed on 16 October 2019
KNOTS by 艺族 Stranger
Reviewed on 14 September 2019
TADPOLE LOOKING FOR MOM by Arts Theatre of Singapore
Reviewed on 31 March 2019
FAUST/US by Nine Years Theatre
Reviewed on 21 March 2019
KOTOR by -wright Assembly
Reviewed on 8 March 2019
Reviewed on 3 March 2019
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