THE REVOLUTIONARY MODEL PLAY 2.0 by BY Wang Chong & Théatre du Rêve Expérimental, LASALLE College of the Arts

“An Important History Lesson”

Reviewer: Gabriel Lim
Performance: 2 September 2015

How far can you believe what History tells you?

“Illusion is more powerful than reality,” declared American biographer Roxane Witke (Sangeetha Dorai) as she stands on the barren stage that is littered with torn Chinese propaganda newspaper.

This original collaboration between LASALLE students, New York-based Chinese playwright Zhao Binghao and Théâtre du Rêve Expérimental’s Beijing-based director Wang Chong is a masterful and critical examination on historical narratives. By subverting the dominant discourse entrenched in history, Revolutionary Model Plays 2.0 allows for alternative narratives to surface. Focusing on the Cultural Revolution, the play revisits the key events as it happens with a special spotlight on the untold story of Madam Mao/Jiang Qing (Kathy Han).

Of course, the play does not hold itself up as a “truthful” source of historical re-telling as seen in the seemingly endless debate between writer Yu Zhong Kai (Raphael Lecat) and Roxane Witke. Truth be told, I have my reservations about the play as I am aware of the multiple levels of experimentation. The audience is always made aware, through the use of Brechtian elements, that though the play attempts to deconstruct history, it is also a construction in and of itself. Multiple cameras are mounted and used by various characters to direct the audience’s attention for their respective agendas. The action is captured and fed onto a giant screen made of Chinese propaganda newspaper. This gesture underscores the central message that every narrative is inherently biased.

A clever, self-reflexive work – I left, having felt as if I had attended one of the most important lessons there is to know about History.


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THE REVOLUTIONARY MODEL PLAY 2.0 by BY Wang Chong & Théatre du Rêve Expérimental, LASALLE College of the Arts
2 – 4 August 2015,
The Singapore Airlines Theatre, LASALLE


Gabriel Lim awaits eagerly to start his undergraduate term in Yale-NUS liberal arts education this year, having just completed his term in National Service.